Public Market Fun
This last weekend (after Thanksgiving) was the Public Market. I had a few items on a collective crafters table. I've forgotten to get my own pics, but I'm sure you can find them soon on spotted from the Cap City Weekly! Anyhow, it was so amazing and wonderful to see all the things that people have been working so hard on all year long!
I have to say I was so impressed with the multitude of items people make. I mean, I make aprons and thought that I was really starting a collection when I had 15. One woman had a booth with what looked like upwards of 150 aprons! I couldn't believe it!
But it sure was fun I'll tell you what. And now I'm prepping for Gallery Walk which is THIS FRIDAY! HELP!! I have a little window display going in outside of The Creating Place and then a few items inside. Should be fun so don't forget to swing by!