I'll-Ask-A-Crafter: Crafter Coming to Alaska
Dear Alaska Crafter,
I'll be in Alaska for a week on vacation in August-- Anchorage, Seward and thereabouts, and a drive up to Denali. I am always on the lookout for local craft shops-- fabrics, yarn, other cool local craft items.
I live in New York, so I have plenty of stores here for this stuff (and not enough space to store all my purchases! :) , but I would love to get something super Alaskan on my trip. For instance, in France, I bought a cross-stitch project of a blue Vespa and some Provencal fabric for table linens, in Japan I bought some scraps of kimono fabric that I haven't figured out what to do with yet.
In my cliched imagination, I see some bear- or moose- printed fabric that would make an awesome throw pillow for my city apartment. But what does a local crafter think I should get in Alaska? And do you have any suggestions where to get it?
Thanks for any help or advice!
On My Way to the Big AK
Dear On My Way,
Let me be the first to welcome you to our great state! The tourist season is just days away for us here in Juneau and, like each year, we welcome crafters of all kinds. From crafting cruises, to cruisers who like to craft, independent visitors, family, friends and even locals, our state offers handcrafted takeaways of every kind to remind you of adventurous times passed and still to come.
Read more after the jump . . .
And as this article is mostly focused on the Juneau area, if you are in the interior area of Alaska and have info to add please leave a comment so that all crafters coming to Alaska this season can find out where to go to get the goods!! Thanks so much!!!